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This parrot is a lovely loose watercolour painting for you to try out watercolours. It helps you become braver with your watercolours whilst creating a painting that you will love.

It also has some detailed parts around its face and some really fun splattery parts too!


I try to explain exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, as I paint. I teach alot of classes face to face so I understand that when you are learning you need everything explained in easy non-arty terms, and thats what I try to do here.


Don't worry that you need lots of art materials or equipment - if you have a couple of brushes, some watercolour paper, some watercolour paint (cheap ones will do!), oh and some water... you will be absolutely fine. This tutorial also used a fine liner pen too. and some gouache paint, but don't worry if you don’t have these, they are not essential..


I have kept the painting as simple as possible and used the techniques I demonstrate in the techniques video, so be sure to watch that before you start the main painting!


When you purchase this item, you will receive a PDF document that contains Links for the following:


Materials and Equipment video

Watercolour Techniques Video

A line drawing for you to copy

A video showing how to transfer your line drawing to you watercolour paper

A download of my finished painting

Full length real-time video tutorial


Simply click on each link in the document to view each file.


Note - These videos cannot be accessed unless you have purchased this tutorial. The link you receive will be your unique link and must only be used by you!


I really hope you enjoy this tutorial

Let me know how you get on!

Jill x

Online Beginners Watercolour Tutorial - Parrot

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