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This is a lovely loose splodgy painting for you to try out watercolours.  It helps you become braver throwing paint around and getting use to the medium, all whilst creating a painting that you will love.


I try to explain exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, as I paint. I teach alot of classes face to face so I understand that when you are learning you need everything explained in easy non-arty terms, and thats what I try to do here.


It's best to watch the videos in order, so please watch all the videos provided.  Don't get too bogged down by thinking you need too many materials or equipment - if you have a couple of brushes, some watercolour paper, some watercolour paint (cheap ones will do!), oh and some water... you will be absolutely fine.  This tutorial also used a fine liner pen too.  and possibly some gouache paint, but don't worry if you dont have these, they are not essential..


I have kept the painting simple and used the techniques I demonstrate in the techniques video, so be sure to watch that before you start the main painting!


When you purchase this item, you will receive a PDF document that contains Links for the following:


Materials and Equipment video

Watercolour Techniques Video

Download of my finished painting

Full length real-time video tutorial


Once you have purchased this item, you will gain access to the links and also receive an email containing the link document. Simply click on each link on the page in the document to view each file.


Note - These videos cannot be accessed unless you have purchased this tutorial. The link you receive will be your unique link and must only be used by you!


I really hope you enjoy this tutorial, after all, the idea is to enjoy yourself whilst you learn


Jill x

Online Beginners Watercolour Tutorial - Portrait

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